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Windstorm Insurance in Florida

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Certain areas of the country are particularly vulnerable to property damage caused by windstorms. Florida is no exception as it faces threats of high winds and storms throughout the year—especially during hurricane season. In such regions, a standard homeowners insurance policy may not provide full financial protection against these losses, and you may need to secure additional windstorm insurance.

The experienced team at Bozeman Insurance Inc. can help you obtain the coverage you need to receive optimal protection. Contact us today for more information.

What Is Windstorm Insurance?

Windstorm insurance can provide coverage if a severe wind event (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones) damages your property. Areas at a higher risk of these occurrences may have limited protections through their standard homeowners policies.

Windstorm insurance may be available as a rider to your existing homeowners insurance or as a separate policy. This coverage can help fill in the gaps and provide additional financial protection against these risks.

What Does Windstorm Insurance Cover?

Windstorm insurance may provide essential coverage for losses that occur due to windstorms, including:

·        Dwelling coverage for your home and attached structures (e.g., garages).

·        Other structures coverage for your detached structures (e.g., sheds).

·        Personal property coverage for your personal possessions and belongings (e.g., furniture and jewelry).

·        Loss of use coverage for living expenses provided by the insurance company if you are forced to temporarily move out of your home due to the windstorm damage.

Other coverages may be available. Make sure to work with your Bozeman Insurance agent to discuss options, exclusions, deductibles and limits. For example, you may need a windstorm policy that includes hail coverage if your homeowners policy excludes hail damage. Also, windstorm coverage may have a separate deductible from the other hazards covered by your homeowners insurance policy.

How Much Does Windstorm Insurance Cost?

Several factors influence the cost of windstorm insurance. The location, value and age of your home as well as your deductibles and limits can impact premiums.

Contact Us Today

Your Bozeman Insurance agent can help you determine your windstorm insurance needs. We can help you get a policy that is right for you and your budget. Contact us today to get started.

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